To the core
In this work I show how people expose their identity to one another in general.
Carefully, humans tend to construct different layers around them. How do they form these digital and physical environments, and what does it say about their identity?
I categorized these different layers in six zones, starting at the public space, and ending by the most intimate space of a human being, his inner self. To make these layers visible, I made three different books, each book representing a person. Three different generations, whose identities are shaped carefully layer by layer in a book.
Each layer contains more information, but the access gets harder in each layer, just like in a friendship the visitor has to make more effort to get to know more.
I also designed interactive layers in the books, so the familiarization is Livelier.
I want my work to be a response to our increasingly impersonal and fast-paced culture: ‘Life is not only about the parties and nice stuff we post on Facebook. I want to show real people, in their own environment and with their own personal story.’